Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grocery shopping

Tonight we went out to dinner at Oswego Grill (yes, I know we go there often) and Andrew had a huge success in potty training. I had him wear big boy underwear instead of a pull up and when we were at the restaurant I told him that we needed to go use the big boy potty. So we went in the bathroom and he actually the restaurant! I was so excited. This was definitely a first for him and of course we made a big deal about it. After dinner we ran to Trader Joe's to grab a few things. The have miniature grocery carts there! Andrew was so excited and so were we. Grocery shopping is never easy with him and this made it so much better. He had so much fun putting things in his cart, driving the cart around and giving all the groceries to the lady at the checkout. He is such a big helper! I really wish every grocery store had miniature grocery carts.
2.18.10-Andrew 2 years

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It feels like Spring

What a beautiful day! It actually feels like Spring is just around the corner. Andrew has been wanting to go outside and play but the weather hasn't been that great until today. So after Gymboree class we spent the rest of the morning outside. Grandma took him to Gymboree class while I was at my doctor appointment so Andrew of course wanted Grandma to play with him the whole time. They raced trucks, swept the patio, played with his bouncy ball and had fun running around. He is very into racing right now so he'd say "pama, race" and then he'd give her the truck he wanted her to have and say "1, 2, 3, go!!!" I'm so glad that we are going to have a sunny rest of the week!
Taking a break from playing
Riding his bike

Racing with Grandma
2.17.10-Andrew 2 years

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy ♥ Day

Happy Valentines Day! Spending the day at church, lunch at Oswego Grill with my family, and a relaxing afternoon and evening at home. Nate and I went out on our Valentines date last night and saw the movie Valentines cute! I ♥ my family!



On Friday night we went to Aunt Tiffany's basketball game at Sherwood High School (she's the coach). We only stayed for the second half because we knew Andrew would get a little antsy watching the whole game. We were right! He did not want to sit and watch he wanted to play. He kept saying "my basketball" and kept trying to walk down the bleachers towards the court. Poor guy, he was a good little sport, but you can tell by the picture below that he would rather be playing than watching. It was cute that every time anyone would clap, he would clap too. After the game he got a chance to play a little one on one with Daddy :) He was so excited and had so much fun running around and throwing the ball.

Andrew 2 years

Valentines cards and cookies

Friday we spent the day doing Valentines crafts and baking. Andrew doesn't sit still for long so it makes doing crafts a little challenging but I wanted him to make a Valentines card for Daddy so we spent the morning ( took a long part of the morning) and colored and put stickers on a heart shaped card. We started out working on this right after breakfast but he quickly got distracted so we waited a few hours and tried again. He did have fun putting all of the stickers on.

This picture cracks me up. You could tell that he was not thrilled that I was taking another picture of him!

After crafts we decided to make Valentines cookies, Daddy's favorite! Last time I tried to frost sugar cookies with Andrew was at Christmas time. He didn't do much frosting, he just ate the cookies with out the frosting. I wasn't sure how baking would go, but I thought we'd give it a try. He really wanted to help me do all the measuring and we ended up making a complete mess during the process. As soon as I would get a cup of flour measured, he would want to pour it out. I think he thought it was a game. Once we got to the mixing it was a lot easier. At one point while mixing he spilled a large amount on the table. He said "oh no mommy, I sorry!" It was so cute, he felt so bad. He really hates messes!
During nap time I baked and frosted the cookies. After nap I gave him one, he took it right away put it in his mouth and gave it back to me. He told me he didn't like it! Too funny. I think he doesn't like frosting....oh well, more for Mommy & Daddy!
That night when Daddy got home from work Andrew gave him the card he made. He was so excited to show Daddy what he made for him. Of course Daddy loved it and can't wait to hang it up in his office! (Aren't the flowers in the background beautiful?! Nathan brought them home for me for Valentines....he is so sweet!)
Andrew- 29 months

Potty Training Update

Andrew is doing pretty good at potty training. We ventured out yesterday for the 1st time with big boy underwear. He didn't have 1 accident! He really doesn't like having to wear a pull up or diaper so I think he is trying to not have accidents when he is wearing his big boy underwear. So far he is doing great. Only 1 accident last week. Still no #2 in the potty, but I think that will take awhile and he is still wearing a diaper for nap time and bed time. He has started telling us when he has to go potty, so I think we are making good progress. This next week we will probably try and only put him in big boy underwear when we go out of the house.....wish us luck!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Potty Training- Days 4, 5, & 6

Day 4 went great! Andrew didn't have any accidents all day long and was willing to go in the potty. Day 5 was not so good. We tried several times to go in the potty in the morning before nap, but he was not happy about having to stop playing to try and go potty. He didn't go once the whole morning and didn't have any accidents. So after nap I put him back in his big boy underwear until we left for dinner. Still, no accidents and no potty in the big boy potty. I was very frustrated, but glad that he didn't have any accidents. That night we went out to eat so we put a pull up on him. We asked him several times at dinner if he wanted to go on the big boy potty, but he kept saying no. When we got home, it was time for bed, so we went to change his diaper and he didn't go potty! I was shocked....guess he just didn't need to go much that day! Today we have been gone most of the day. We had several errands to run, so we weren't very persistent with asking about going on the potty. He did go once tonight before bed, but he wore a pull up all morning while we were out running errands. Tomorrow we have church, so we won't be able to work on potty training as much either. Looks like this might take several weeks!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My cutie

Today Andrew said the cutest thing to me, "you're cute mommy!" It was the sweetest thing and made me smile. I think he got this little phrase from me. I'm always telling him that he's cute. Just so cute that he started saying it to me. What a sweet boy!

Big Boy Table

Andrew is always wanting to do all things "big boys" do. He doesn't want to sit in his highchair anymore and calls everything his big boy __. For example : big boy table, big boy bed, big boy chair, etc. We just bought a new table for our nook and Andrew was so excited to sit and have dinner with us at the "big boy" table last night.
2.3.10- 2 years old

Potty Training- Days 1, 2 & 3

We started potty training this week. I bought TONS of big boy underwear along time ago and kept putting off the dreaded potty training week (or 2 or 3). It has been a long week so far and we are only on day 4. I'm seeing progress, but not as much as I'd hoped for (by this I mean that he isn't telling me when he has to go potty). Day 1 we had no success, only accidents. Day 2 there was 1 success and he then understand stood that he got candy every time he went in the potty. He then proceeded to ask me for candy every time he sat on the potty. Of course I told him that he has to go potty in order to get candy. Day 3, he had 2 successes (both potty)! I was so proud of him. So far today he has gone potty in the big boy potty 3 times! We've only had 1 minor accident today, but he realized it and we went straight to the potty where he finished :) No #2's yet, hopefully that will happen soon and he still isn't telling me when he has to go potty, we just go sit on the potty every hour or so. I'm hoping that this process doesn't take several weeks because being cooped up at home is difficult for both of us! I'm hoping tonight is just as successful as this morning.
So cute in his big boy underwear!
2.3.10-Day 3

2.1.09-Day 1
2 years old (almost 29 months)