Today was Andrew's special day at school. It happens about every other month or so. He gets to be line leader, bring snack and bring something from home to show his friends. Today he brought his car that he got from Santa. He told all his friends how he & Daddy built the car together. During circle time they sang a song and Andrew sang along and did all of the motions. Quite different from the last few times I've been there and he just sits and watches everyone else sing. He also said the pledge allegiance and prayed for his class. He was absolutely adorable! As soon as Ava & I got there he kept introducing his sister to everyone. He would say, "this is my Ava," while pointing to her or "this is my sister, Ava." When his teacher asked him about his family, she asks what is your mommy's name and he said Kristina. I thought that was pretty funny that he said that since everyone calls me Kristi. When she asked his dad's name I think he said Nathan Bailey. There's a chance he said Nathan Renee Bailey, since he thinks everyone but him has the middle name Renee (only Ava & I do). But he was so quiet that I couldn't hear exactly what he said. They also go over the month, date & year during circle time. His teacher asked him if he remembered what month it was and he said January. You could tell she was pretty surprised that he remembered and told him that he was doing a great job listening at school. He did such a great job today and you can tell how much he loves school.