Last Saturday (the 14th) Ava turned 20 months. Only 4 more months until she's 2...hard to believe!!! She has really changed a lot in the last month. Right after she turned 10 months, she got her 13th tooth, bottom right, 3rd tooth over. About a week later, she got her other bottom tooth, in the same spot. She is playing with toys more and more everyday. Mainly puzzles, her baby, her play food and grocery cart, books, her Little People animals, and Andrew's toys...his trains are her favorite. She loves to play peek a boo, hide and seek, or just run around and say "boo"'s so cute! She gives me kisses a lot and when she does, she says, "mmm muh!" with lots of excitement. She used to not give kisses to anyone else on the lips, but just offer them the top of her head, but she is now starting to give everyone kisses. She is starting to play with Andrew really well and they love running around playing chase together and having dance parties. She laughs a lot and still starts dancing as soon as she hears music. She is saying more words each day. She will try almost any word you ask her to, but she doesn't always say more than once. Some words she's saying lately: mo (more), shh (this can mean either shoe or fish), sometimes she says ish for fish too, ku (cookie), oweeo (Ariel- her favorite princess and sometimes calls all princesses this), she also says oweeo when she wants an Oreo cookie. After we pray at meal time she always says "amean" it is the cutest thing and she is so proud of herself. She babbles a lot and I'm sure she is saying more than we even understand. She has taught her self how to walk backward. One day while we were sitting in the family room she just started walking backward, then she'd walk forward so she could walk backward again. She thought she was the funniest thing and it really is hilarious! She has to sleep with a blanket that has satin on it. She loves toothbrushes and will find Nathan or mine and put them in her mouth and walk all over the house with it. She still loves to look at books or have you read them to her. She does not sit still ever, unless looking at books. She still doesn't like watching t.v. but will watch it for a few seconds if Sesame Street is on. She is such a spunky little thing, but we just adore her and think she is the cutest, funniest, sweetest little girl. Love you Ava.
The many faces of Ava!
