Today we went to the air show in Hillsboro. It was such a fun day. The morning started off cool but it got so warm in the afternoon, such a beautiful day! Grandpa and Grandma Ming got to come with us too, so that made it lots of fun! Andrew loved all the planes. We got there early enough so we decided to walk around and look at the planes. Andrew was pretty interested in everything until he heard the planes flying overhead and then he wanted nothing to do with the planes sitting on the ground, he just wanted to watch the planes flying! He said "oh, wow!" He's always been very interested in planes so we knew he would love the air show. Anytime he is outside he is quick to point out any plane even if it's so far away that you can barely see it...he can always find it! Nathan was lucky enough to get passes to one of the chalets from one of his clients. The chalets are the way to go....they are awesome. You have a tent to go in if it gets to hot, free buffet lunch, nice chairs and tables, very VIP :) So after walking around we decided to go back to our chalet because Andrew was more interested in the flying planes than walking around. He kept saying "plane, plane, in the sky!" So cute! I should mention that as soon as we walked into the show there was a vendor booth selling planes, so of course, Daddy bought Andrew a plane. He carried that thing with him the whole day. He loved it! He kept flying it around saying "voom, voom" and making tons of airplane noises. The rest of the day we stayed in our chalet area. He would wonder between hanging out in the chairs to hanging out in the tent where it was cooler. The tent had several different model planes hanging from it. Andrew was enamored with them. He kept saying "touch it" and "wheels." The volunteers were so nice to him and let him touch the planes. He thought that was so cool. He kept saying "mommy, touch." We also got him to finally wear his sunglasses that Grandpa Ming got him last summer. We've tried all summer to get him to wear them, but he refused. We finally convinced him today. He didn't wear them all day, but he would wear them for a bit, then take them off then say "glasses" and put them back on. I think he thought they were pretty cool! By mid afternoon he was getting tired so we headed back home. He fell asleep on the car ride home (about 40 minutes) and hung out in his crib resting for an hour. He was exhausted so we put him to bed early tonight. All and all, it was a super fun day! Hope to go again next a chalet, of course!

Family photo with one of the planes.

Finally wearing his sunglasses!

Getting a closer view of all the planes.

Looking at all the planes hanging from our chalet!

Watching the Air Show with Grandpa & Grandma
8.30.09 - 23 1/2 months old
so cute! too bad he missed the thunderbirds, great show today since there were no clouds. Next year!
Love the sunglasses! That's a great pic!
I'm not gonna lie....those glasses look ridiculous.
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