Christmas Eve we went to church however I didn't realize that the nursery would not be open so Andrew sat in church with us. I was surprised at how well he did. They gave all of the kids goody bags with colors, a little coloring book and a candy cane. He was very excited about the candy cane and sat and watched all of the music at church. After about 20 or 30 minutes he got bored. Luckily Nate had his iphone and Andrew was able to watch a movie. After church we went to pizza (a family tradition) at CPK, came home and opened 1 gift....pajamas and then read The Night Before Christmas and a story about the birth of Jesus. After opening his present, Andrew looked at all the other presents and said "more?" We told him that he had to go to bed, but he wasn't excited about that! The next morning we spent just the 3 of us opening stockings, eating Cinnabons, and opening presents...oh yeah, and watching the Disney parade :) Andrew got lots of new cars in his stocking and just wanted to play with them the rest of the morning. He had about 1 bite of his cinnamon roll and didn't want to open presents at first. So Nate and I started opening our presents and then Andrew got excited. It took us a long time to open everything because he wanted to play with each toy! It was so fun to watch his excitement. His favorite gift was his remote control Lightening McQueen car from Santa. I will post a video of his reaction on a later post because it's priceless! After presents we got ready and ventured over to the Bailey's for Christmas dinner and gifts. We tried to put Andrew down for a nap, but he was too excited so he didn't sleep all day! We spent the afternoon opening gifts, hanging out and eating. Andrew had fun playing with all his new toys that Pama & Papa got him. He was so tired that he fell asleep on the way home and slept till 9am the next morning. That next morning we went over to my parents to see my grandparents and uncle who came up from Springfield. We had breakfast and spent the morning with them. Andrew had fun running around with his Great Uncle Gerald. We went back to our house for nap time and to try and reorganize all the toys and then back to my parents for Christmas with my side of the family. Kayla and Cory came up for the weekend and we had a fun time opening gifts, eating and laughing at old pictures of mom and dad :) It was such a wonderful Christmas season and we are so grateful for a healthy family, a baby on the way and all of our many blessings!

Andrew fell off the couch while we were opening gifts and bumped his head pretty bad so Daddy gave him ice cream because he was such a brave boy :)

12.26.09-Christmas with the Mings
p.s. Andrew loved singing Happy Birthday to Jesus the whole week of Christmas and saying "Happy Birfday Jesus." So cute :)
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