Andrew has been saying the funniest things lately. Everyday he says more and more and yesterday we had the cutest conversation.
Me: Andrew, I had such a fun day with you today.
Andrew: You did? (with the cutest expression)
Me: (laughing a bit out of surprise from his response) yes, I did. Did you have a fun day with Mommy?
Andrew: Yes!!! (as he jumped in my arms and gave me a huge hug)
It was one of the best conversations I have ever had with him and it made me realize how big he is getting. I can't believe how quickly the time is flying by and before you know it we will have another one. I'm trying to cherish each day that I have with just Andrew because before long it will not be just me and him all day.
Another funny thing he did yesterday:
Nate randomly sang "I gotta a feeling" from Black Eyed Peas and Andrew then said "woohoo." So funny that he knew the song! Later that song came on in the car and he said, "mommy, I want boom boom boom" which is another Black Eyed Peas song. Too funny! We don't even listen to them very often or have their album, he just hears it in the car and likes it.
He has been also saying "how about..." a lot lately. He will say it when we are reading books and he wants to read another book, or when he's playing with his toys, or when he wants something different to eat. Not sure where he got that saying!
And lastly, he has been trying to figure out how to put together negative sentences. For example I will tell him that it's time to go take a nap and he will say, "I want nap, not!" He uses this all the time. Funny how kids try and figure things out!