Last Monday I put Andrew down for his nap at his regular time, 1pm. For some reason that day he didn't want to nap. I kept him in his room and told him it was nap time but he kept turning on his light and making lots of noise. I checked on him every once in awhile and finally around 3:30 it was quiet so I figured that he finally went to sleep. Around 4:30 it was still quiet and I didn't want him to sleep too late otherwise he wouldn't want to go to bed, so I went to check on him. I found him laying in his rocking chair with all his lights on (night light, lamp and ceiling light) asleep. It was the cutest thing. I quickly ran downstairs to tell Nate (he was working from home that day) and he grabbed the camera. Unfortunately Andrew had changed positions when we got a picture, but you get the idea. I guess he thought his chair was more comfortable than his bed for nap time that day :)

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