Tomorrow is the big day....Ava's arrival! I go in to be induced at 7am. It has been a busy week organizing and cleaning and doing lots of laundry in preparation for Ava. I can't believe how quickly this week has flown by! Thanks again to my mom for helping me organize and clean this week....what a huge help you have been to me! Today I wanted to just relax and enjoy my last day of just hanging out with Andrew. We went to Starbucks this morning on a little date. Daddy ended up joining us for a bit and Pama stopped by too. We visited the ducks and saw lots of frogs too. Andrew had so much fun, I had a hard time convincing him to come home. We spent the rest of the morning playing at home in the backyard. It is such a beautiful day! He rode around in his jeep and we played in what he calls his "sand castle" which is really just his sand table. We had fun playing outside until we discovered a huge snake! We then decided to go inside for lunch until Daddy could come home and take care of it. Tonight we are going to hang out just the 3 of us. I spent some time talking to Andrew about what will happen tomorrow. I told him that Ava is going to come out of Mommy's tummy tomorrow and that he will get to hold her, kiss her and hug her. He seemed very excited. Hopefully he will be this excited tomorrow when he visits us at the hospital. Can't believe that tomorrow we will be a family of 4! So excited to meet baby Ava.

5.13.2010- Andrew 2.8 months old
Here's what Ava gets to sleep in for the first several weeks....this beautiful bassinet. I just love it and think it turned out so cute. This was my dad's bassinet when he was a baby and Andrew used it too. I picked out the fabric and had a family friend make the bedding. I think it turned out so cute and girly!

You forgot to mention that not only did your Dad and Andrew sleep in the bassinet, but you, your sister, and cousins did, too...a real family heirloom. I'm so excited for tomorrow!
so so precious. love the bassinet, it turned out beautiful!! so special too! so excited for the bailey family!! cannot wait to meet sweet ava!!
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