We had such a fun weekend and the weather was amazing! We kicked it off with a BBQ at our friends house, the Leonards. They have a little boy who is only a few months younger than Andrew and the boys have so much fun together. They ran around the yard the whole night and entertained themselves while the adults had a great time catching up!
Saturday morning we headed to the little water park in Wilsonville. We hadn't gone yet this year and Andrew was so excited to be there. It was extra special since Daddy was there with us too. Ava hung out with me in the baby bjorn while Andrew ran around with Daddy. Such a fun family morning.

That afternoon Nate and I attended a wedding at our church. We decided to take advantage of having a babysitter and went to dinner after the wedding. It was a beautiful night so we went to Oswego Boathouse and sat on the floating deck. I've decided that this is one of my happy places. Fine dinning and a lake...2 of my favorite things! We had such a nice evening just the 2 of us.
The next morning we skipped church and headed to the river for some more family time. Gotta love summer time!
She is so good on the boat. She has to be cooped up in that life jacket and she doesn't even complain.

He loves the boat!