Yesterday Andrew, Ava, Pama Twyla (or as Andrew says Twyla Pama) and I went to the zoo. It was a little cold and overcast but we had tons of fun! We spent time in the Northwest section of the zoo, an area that we rarely go to. It's like a little farm and Andrew LOVED it. He spent tons of time with the goats.

Andrew with Twyla Pama. He thought it was so funny that these goats were standing on a table. And he also pointed out that it was gross that they were standing in poop!

Andrew with his goat. He followed this goat around the whole time with his hand on the goats back. When Pama asked if he wanted to pet another goat, he told her no and that she needed to pet it. He said, "this is my goat."

My sweet little girl.
7.20.10- Andrew 2 years 10 months
Ava 9 weeks, 4 days
cute pics ming. love love that last one of ava. such a cutie pie :)
Andrew is so funny with that goat! Love the pic of Ava!
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