The weekend before last (Aug. 20-22) we spent in Springfield with my sister and brother in law. Cory wanted to take Andrew fishing and I wanted to spend some quality time with my sis. It was such a fun weekend full of lots of great restaurants, walks around the neighborhood, parks and even a little visit with my grandparents.
We put Andrew down for an early nap on Friday and as soon as he woke up we left for Springfield. We got down there just in time to feed Ava and then head to dinner. (It's much crazier trying to travel when you have to plan around a toddlers naps and a newborns eating schedule!) We went to a great little pizza place in Eugene and then over to Prince Pucklers for some local ice cream. As Andrew would say, "Delicious!" The next day the boys went fishing while Kayla and I went to an outdoor shopping area (Oak Way) and Starbucks (of course!). I was told, by Nate, that Andrew enjoyed the whole fishing process for about an hour. He thought he was the expert on fishing and wanted to do everything by himself. He didn't catch anything but Nate caught 2 fish and Andrew actually got to touch one. After about an hour the guys put on a movie for Andrew while they floated the river. We met back at the house for a quick lunch, put Andrew down for a nap and hung around. Kayla and I went on a nice walk around her neighborhood and saw some really beautiful houses that back to the river. That night we tried another local restaurant, had tons of fun at the park and got Dairy Queen :) Sunday we spent the morning at Alton Baker Park. Andrew had tons of fun running around, meeting other kids at the park, and looking at all of the ducks in the pond. Before we left to head back home we stopped by my grandparents house who live about 2 minutes from Kayla & Cory. We got to spend a little time with them and they got to see the kids which was nice. We don't get to see them often. It was a fun weekend....thanks for having us Kayla & Cory!!!