I cannot believe that my baby is already 3 months old! We are finally getting the hang of things and Ava is starting to establish her daily routine. She sleeps through the night, and takes a few naps during the day. She has a hard time sleeping if we are out and about because she doesn't want to miss out on anything (at least that's how it seems). She wakes around 8ish (I usually have to wake her), eats, hangs out for a bit, sleeps till around 10:45 then eats, plays, sleeps from noon till 1:45, eats, play time with mommy while Andrew is napping, sleeps again until 4:45, eats, plays, sleeps until 7:45, eats and then gets alone time to play with mommy & daddy while brother sleeps and then usually falls asleep between 8:45-9:30. I wake her to eat around 10:45pm and then she sleeps through the night. She is starting to take her naps more in her crib, but we are usually out and about during the morning, so she doesn't get a good morning nap. She has really started laughing and smiling a lot and definitely recognizes faces. She is doing better about other people holding her, but she still prefers mommy when she is tired. She really has a hard time putting herself to sleep especially if she is over tired. She is starting to like daddy and really enjoys his kisses and when he talks to her. She adores Andrew and smiles every time she hears him talk. She loves her bouncy seat and loves her swing at my parents house. She loves to suck on her hands and is starting to drool...not sure if she is already starting to teethe! She likes to sit up and kicks her feet like crazy when she is laying down. She is starting to like tummy time, but only for small chunks of time. She loves to give kisses and will open her mouth really wide and search for your face. It's adorable!

8.14.10 Ava 3 months old
love her little hands above her head...looks so peaceful. she sounds like an awesome sleeper!!
Yea for 3 months! I bet it is priceless how she adores Andrew. Too fun!
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