Ava turned 9 months on Valentines day. I can't believe that in a few short months she will be 1! She still has no teeth, isn't crawling, and is a big time mama's girl. She is starting to talk a lot more and make her voice known. She loves to scream when she wants attention, not necessarily because she is mad, but because she just talks in a loud scream! She is starting to babble dada, but has no idea what she is saying. She's not sure about strangers talking to her, or anyone that she isn't very familiar with....she won't even smile, just stare them down. She loves bath time and seems to always poop in the bath if she is in it for more than 5 minutes. She still nurses 4 times a day and is now eating 3 solid food meals a day. She is only in the 10% for weight and still weighs less than 16 pounds. She loves to sleep but won't sleep unless she's in her crib. She loves to be tickled and is starting to move around a lot more. She scoots and rolls to get where she wants. She is starting to get on her knees, but not a ton. She still has no teeth. She is loving standing up while holding on to us. She now takes her hair clip out of her hair and chews on it. She tends to do it more when she is tired and if one isn't in her hair she grabs at her hair when she's tired. She does this cute little thing where she scrunches up her nose and makes a sniffing noise. She thinks she is being so funny! Here are a few pictures from her 9 month photo shoot.

these pics are ADORABLE. i love the screaming one...precious
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