Ava turned 14 months last Thursday. I tried to capture a few pictures of her from the day, but she didn't want to stop for one second.

At 14 months she is busy, busy! She wants to walk, but can't yet unless assisted. So my day consists of holding her hands and walking her all around the house. She prefers to only one one hand. She can stand by herself for about 15 seconds before she drops to the ground. If she isn't walking, she's crawling the stairs or getting into every cupboard in the house. She's really into the exploring stage. She still loves books and that is the only thing that will keep her attention for more than 5 seconds. She is pretty noisy and loves to hear herself talk. Words that I think she is saying: mama, dadda, papa, and brabra (which I think means brother). She doesn't like to be held much, she prefers being on the ground to explore. She waves bye bye and hi to everyone. She can be really shy when people try and talk to her. She doesn't like being in the car anymore and screams and cries a lot when we drive over 10 minutes....it's not fun! She now shakes her head yes when you ask her a question. It's adorable and I need to try and get it on video soon. She laughs a lot and is our little ham. She's been having strange sleeping patterns recently. Somedays she will sleep until 9:30am, take about a 1 hour nap in the morning around 11:15 and then not take an afternoon nap. She is so cranky at night when this happens. Other times she will wake up at her usually time and sleep her usual 1.5 hr nap in the morning and 2.5 in the afternoon and go to bed at 8. I think she is teething a lot which is messing up her sleep. She now has 8 teeth. She got her 2 bottom 1 year molars on her birthday. I'm pretty sure her top front tooth will be coming in this week, we'll see. Such a fun stage with my sweet little Ava!