The first day we went to the lake and it was super windy. Andrew ended up falling asleep on our boat ride and managed to stay asleep while we all got wet from the crazy rough water. I guess the day before we got there they had a huge storm with thunder, lightning and rain....glad we missed that!
Andrew found this little dirt patch buy our campsite and played with his tractor in it. He seemed to play there a lot during the trip.

Since Thursday was supposed to be a lot like Wednesday, windy, we decided to go towards town and see some of the sights along the way. We visited Ogden park and Smith Rock. Both were pretty amazing. We ventured into Redmond for a little food before we headed back to camp and the guys went out on the boat while the kids napped. That night my sister & brother in law as well as our friend the Wanderscheid's joined us. We had a little retirement celebration for my dad (more on that later).
Ogden park & Smith Rock

Friday and Saturday were beautiful at the lake. We were able to get Andrew out on the tube and he loved it! He couldn't get enough of it. Ava did great despite the little amount of sleep she got. I think both kids are making up for it now that we are back, sleeping till 9 most day and Andrew taking a nap everyday.
Ava really loved watching the boats go by. She would go crazy and wave her hands, kick her feet & yell. She loved it!
We borrowed our neighbors baby playpen and it seemed to work for Ava when we needed her confined. She didn't love it for long periods of time, but if she wasn't in it, she would go everywhere.

Andrew was so tired that he fell asleep on the way back from the store, which is just a short drive.

Andrew really started gaining confidence on his bike and even rode it all the way to the park one night. He did have a huge fear of the fire and wouldn't let us put any paper in it. It was weird. He got so upset about it, cried and wanted to ask Jesus to make the paper better. So, we didn't have a fire when he was around and he wasn't able to have any smores. Maybe next year.Yes, my husband had a mustache for the last few days of the trip. I was not a fan, but he thought it was awesome. So glad that it is finally gone!

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