Ava went to the doctor today for her 15 month check up. I knew that she'd grown a lot in the last few months, but was shocked to find out that she was 21 pounds! She was only a little over 17 lbs at her 1 year check up. She went from being in the 4th percentile to the 25th! She is 30 inches long (30%) and her head is 45.7cm (40%). She only got her flu vaccine, but also had to get her toe poked so they can draw some blood for some testing. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this on the blog, but Ava had low iron for awhile. She had to be on iron supplements for awhile and when they last drew her blood her iron levels were up. We took her off of her supplements for a month to see if she is getting enough iron in her diet. So we should find out the results in the next few days. Her doctor said she is doing great and is a healthy little girl!

I just love watching her walk...it's adorable!
1 comment:
these r really sweet. looks like she had a little growth spurt :)
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