Ava turned 17 months while we were in Palm Springs. At 17 months she is very sassy! She doesn't sleep great at night anymore, but constantly moans. I think this is due to her teething. She still has a few teeth left to get in. She drools all the time and puts everything in her mouth. She LOVES animals and can say duck. When you ask her what a cow says, she says "moo" and when you ask her what a dog says, she tries to bark. She is very independent and doesn't like to be confined in a stroller or highchair and doesn't like being held either. She likes to be chased and loves to dance. As soon as she hears music she starts dancing. She will now come and ask you to read her a book....she brings the book over and sits on your lap. It's adorable. That's the most cuddling she will do. Her hair is getting so long and it is wild! It has a bit of a curl and it's so hard to style. She has started throwing temper tantrums and is quite dramatic. She is really starting to love all things girly. She loves make up, combs & brushes. She also loves dolls and princesses. She is such a sassy little thing, but we are so in love with her!

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