I love one on one time with my kids. It's so nice to have time to just focus on one of them. Lately I've gotten a little bit of quality one on one time with each of my kids.
Andrew & I spend quite a bit of one on one time together since Ava naps every afternoon. But I will admit that not all of that time I take to just spend time with him. I am usually trying to get some things done around the house. But on one day last week we sat and had cupcakes and hot chocolate and just talked. It was wonderful. I love my little guy and the conversations we have. He is always making me laugh and I'm always surprised at how smart he is and how much he understands.

Drinking out of our new Christmas mugs from Twyla Pama...thanks Pama!

11.16.11- 4 years old
On Tuesday night Ava and I spent a little time together which happens every Tuesday and Thursday morning while Andrew is at school, but I am usually trying to run errands and get things done. That night while the boys were out running errands we sat and read lots of princess books and sang songs. It was so nice to spend some time with just my sweet little girl.

This is her new favorite spot in the house. She stands up on this little step by the fireplace and I think she thinks it's her stage.
11.22.11- 18 months old
1 comment:
oh my goodness these are too cute! love miss ava's jammies!
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