On the 14th of this month Ava turned 21 months. (I am so behind on blogging!) It was Valentines day and Ava's Gymboree class day. So I took lots of pictures of Ava at Gymboree. She loves it and runs around the whole time. Her teacher even said that she is very impressed that she can already jump since most kids don't start jumping until after 2. Ava has been doing it for several months. Some other things Ava does:
*tears apart every book that has a flap tab inside or is not a hard book
*calls every princess "oweeo" which is what she calls Ariel, her favorite princess
*is still a picky eater and refuses milk, and doesn't like meat except pepperoni and beef jerky
*LOVES apple juice and calls it "apa da"- she will stand at the fridge and beg for it
*likes playing with all of her Little People toys
*is saying new words every day, but her favorite right now is no- she says it all the time
*likes to throw her food, plate, and drink on the floor when she is done eating
*can use her silverware and always wants to do it by herself
*"Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes" always makes her laugh
*she loves to point to her neck and have you tell her what it is
*she also points to her nose and eyes and can say nose and eye
*every time you sing "Twinkle Twinkle" she says "mo" (more) and wants you to sing it again...I think it's her favorite song...she also will hum along with me sometimes
*can open doors that have a lever instead of a knob
*your hair is so long but bounces up to your shoulders because of all the curl
*if you don't have a clip in your hair you push your hair out of your eyes, it's really cute, but you usually always want a clip in your hair.

You are so much fun....we love you!
she is just so sassy!! can't believe how big she is getting!
what a cutie! loved those cute pants you were wearing in your fb pics!
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