One day it's snowy and the next day it's sunny and (almost) warm! Getting some much needed vitamin D with the kiddos.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Springtime Snow
It's kind of crazy that we had snowy weather in late March. The weather here has been crazy and really cold. Last week we woke up to snow, but not really enough to play with. Andrew really wanted to play in the snow though, so we bundled up and went outside. We really didn't have the right clothing attire, no snow boots, no snow gloves, and Ava's coats are all too small, but that's what happens when it snows in March! Andrew really wanted to make a snowman, but there wasn't enough snow so he decided to just make snow balls and throw them at me. He thought it was pretty funny. Ava loved just stomping around in the snow. Playing in the snow was short lived since we really didn't have the right clothing attire and Andrew was we headed to our local coffee shop to get some hot cocoa.

The fire
Last Monday morning at 3am two 13 year old boys broke into Andrew's preschool, burglarized it and then set it on fire. The preschool is attached to the church and it is all destroyed. When I told Andrew he was really sad and asked if is teachers were okay. I assured him that everyone was okay and later that night when Nate got home from work, we drove by his school to see the damage. Andrew didn't want to get out of the car and only wanted us to take pictures from inside the car. It was really sad. The school & church are totally destroyed. We took Andrew to get ice cream after to try and cheer him up. There was no school all of last week and this week, because of spring break, but thankfully they found a new location and will be starting school up again next week! Andrew is very excited to see his friends and teachers again.
3.19.2012- Andrew's pre3 school- Living Savior Preschool
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Ava at 22 months
I can't believe that Ava is a few months away from 2 years old! She is such a little toddler now and is so much fun. She is the happiest little girl and constantly makes us laugh. She can say a ton of words now and pretty much tries any word that she hears. Her favorite thing lately is light switches. She loves to turn them on and off. She says "yite, yite!" She plays with her toys lots now, but still loves to just make messes. She LOVES her brother and always wants to be with him. She tries to wake him up in the morning if he is still sleeping (which he usually is) and misses him when he goes to school. She loves to wrestle with him and laughs the whole time. She still loves looking at books and has to have a book when she takes a nap and goes to bed at night. She is back to kissing now and will kiss you when you ask her too. She is starting to get a bit more cuddly, but she still doesn't cuddle as much as Andrew. She likes to say cheese when she is getting her picture taken. She is so much fun and we are so in love with her!

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Andrew's 1st day back to school after our trip he had his hoop-a-thon. He was very excited about it and invited his David Papa & Janet Pama to come and watch him. He did great and made 14 baskets in 1 minute. (most of his classmates were shooting below 10, so we were proud of Andrew!)
While we were in Palm Springs Andrew learned how to swim all by himself! My inlaws bought this great little life vest that just went around his stomach so his hands were free. This really helped him gain confidence and one day Daddy told him to take it off and try to swim on his own....and he did! He still wore his vest most of the time, but sometimes he would swim on his own. We were so proud!
2.25.2012- Andrew 4 1/2 years old
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
While in Palm Springs we decided to take a few days to go to Disneyland. Both of the kids were really excited about Disneyland this trip. We had so much fun! We left for Disneyland after my parents & father in law left to come back to Oregon. Luckily, my mother in law was still around and got to come with us!
Waiting in line to see the princesses....we waited for over an hour and Ava was so good. Andrew went with Pama and rode on some rides.

As soon as she saw the princesses, she started crying. We were really surprised since she's obsessed with them.

Andrew is kind of funny when we go to Disneyland. He doesn't like trying new rides and only wants to go on rides if he can see the whole ride. He has been really into pirates lately so we wanted to take him on the Peter Pan ride. He was not too excited about it, but calmed down once we got in line and ended up being excited to ride it. He really loved the ride and we are so proud of him for trying something new.

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