I can't believe that Ava is a few months away from 2 years old! She is such a little toddler now and is so much fun. She is the happiest little girl and constantly makes us laugh. She can say a ton of words now and pretty much tries any word that she hears. Her favorite thing lately is light switches. She loves to turn them on and off. She says "yite, yite!" She plays with her toys lots now, but still loves to just make messes. She LOVES her brother and always wants to be with him. She tries to wake him up in the morning if he is still sleeping (which he usually is) and misses him when he goes to school. She loves to wrestle with him and laughs the whole time. She still loves looking at books and has to have a book when she takes a nap and goes to bed at night. She is back to kissing now and will kiss you when you ask her too. She is starting to get a bit more cuddly, but she still doesn't cuddle as much as Andrew. She likes to say cheese when she is getting her picture taken. She is so much fun and we are so in love with her!

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