One more month and my baby is 2. I just can't believe it! How did it happen so fast! Ava is so much fun right now. I really love this age with her. She is constantly cracking us up with her cute and funny little personality. She is trying new words all the time and is constantly gibbering. She still loves books and will babble while she looks at them. I'm sure she is saying something that we just can't understand yet. She copies everything Andrew does which can be good and bad. She is super girly and LOVES wearing jewelry...necklaces and bracelets. She also loves shoes, purses and wearing dresses. She likes to count especially in preparation for jumping or walking down the stairs. She likes to play with toys now and will keep herself entertained even though she usually makes the biggest mess! She hates getting her hair brushed or sitting down for more than two seconds. She loves to give kisses and hugs and is becoming more snuggly (especially with mommy) everyday. She finally got her last 2 teeth in, her upper i-teeth. They came in about 2 days before she turned 23 months. She likes to make silly faces where she puts her fingers in the corner of her mouth and pulls it apart...she thinks she's so funny. She really wants to be with "baba" brother all the time and wants to sleep in his bed at night. There are so many words she can say, I can't even name them all. Her newest thing is calling Papa and Pama, Hapa and Hama. She loves getting her picture taken and likes to say "cheese." She still LOVES princesses, especially Ariel and will now sit and watch cartoons with Andrew, mainly in the morning.

She looks so grown up to me in these pictures. I feel like she has grown a ton in the last month.
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