Saturday, October 5, 2013


Andrew's first day of Kindergarten.  Hard to believe my boy is old enough to be a kindergartener!
It was an early morning and he was tired and did not want to take pictures before school.  School starts at 8 and goes till 11:30 Monday thru Thursday.  The 8am start time has been a huge adjustment for our family.  Andrew doesn't usually wake up till 8:30 on most days, so waking up an hour earlier has been a bit rough.  We now put the kids to bed at 7:30 as opposed to 8 to give them a little bit more time to wind down for the night.  
 I love all of his different facial expressions.
 The school has a uniform policy and the kids are required to wear either khaki or navy pants each day with a red, navy, green or white polo.  So far we are loving having Fridays off.  One day with no agenda before soccer on Saturdays and church on Sundays.
 He was so excited for school and didn't even act nervous when he walked into the classroom.  He went right in and found his seat.  I, on the other hand, had a bit of a hard time.  I lingered for probably 15 minutes before leaving.  I got a little misty eyed watching my first born start school.  Time is just flying by too fast!
 After school we let him choose where he wanted to go to lunch.  He, of course, chose McDonalds.
 9.4.2013- Andrew almost 6, Sherwood Charter School, Kindergarten, Ms. Rivas' class

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