Today marked a big milestone in our family....Andrew is now in a big boy bed! Last weekend we were in Sunriver (I'll blog about this soon) and he slept in a twin bed which he's been doing when we go on vacation. We came back on Monday and since then he hasn't been sleeping well. He wakes up several times in the night and hasn't been taking good naps. We would find him with his legs hanging out of his crib and he just seemed to be uncomfortable. I thought it was maybe because he had shots on Wednesday or that he seemed to have a little bit of a cold for a few days, but Nate thought it might have to do with him not wanting to sleep in his crib anymore. I didn't really want to believe him because I wasn't sure if I was ready for Andrew to be in a big boy bed yet. I was afraid that he wouldn't nap as long and that he just wouldn't be my little baby anymore! I wasn't ready for him to grow up so fast yet! But after several nights of interrupted sleep and Andrew asking to go to Mommy's bed every time he woke up early from a nap or early in the morning, I agreed with Nate and said that it was time to try the big boy bed. So I raced out on Thursday to get a comforter and some sheets. We are doing a transportation themed room because Andrew absolutely loves planes, trains and cars. I found the sheets that I wanted, but decided to just do an extra plain navy set while we waited to get all the other accessories. His room now is monkey themed and I wanted to wait and put the new transportation sheets on when we get his room decor changed over. I know he doesn't care about that, but I like everything to match :) As Nate was bringing in the bed Andrew kept saying "big bed, big bed." He was so excited! It took us most of the morning to take apart the crib and set up the new bed. As soon as we had it all set up, Andrew climbed up, told Daddy to sit with him and he looked at some books. He kept saying "big bed" all morning, he was so happy! We had some friends come over to watch the Duck game this afternoon....his honorary Uncle Moose & Aunt Audra. He loves them! He played with them for about an hour and then it was nap time. He climbed right into bed and fell asleep. Problem was, he only slept for an hour! This was what I was afraid of. I went and checked on him, changed his diaper and then tried to put him back to bed. No such luck. He kept asking for Uncle and Daddy. It was just too cute. Eventually we let him get up and play. I'm hoping that in the future he naps longer. I'm going to need more than an hour in my day to get things done around my house! We put him to bed tonight and he fell right to sleep. Hopefully tonight goes smoothly!

Andrew 1st nap in his big boy bed

Andrew reading with Daddy....he's so excited
9.26.09- 2 years old

Last night of sleep in his crib

Getting ready for his last night of sleep in his crib
9.25.09 - 2 years old
1 comment:
how is he doing in his big boy bed? dont you just wish they could stay little forever?!
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