These are the words I hear multiple times a day..."I WANT PACIE!" From day 1 Andrew has always loved his pacifier. It helped him sleep at night and he always wanted it when he was scared or super tired. Lately it doesn't matter what is going on, he always wants his pacie. He asks for it all the time. We used to keep one in his crib which he could have during nap time and one in the car for when we were driving around. He would pretty much stick to taking it just during those time and occasionally when he was tired and watching a cartoon. But lately, it's all the time. It's gotten out of control. We always said that by 3 we would be done with the pacifier, but we need to start putting limits on how often he can have it. So this week we started having limits. He is ONLY allowed to have it in his crib and occasionally, if he's tired, in the car. He will go around the house asking for it throughout the day and we will tell him that it's in his crib and that if he wants it he has to go in his crib. So after nap time on Sunday afternoon he kept asking for it. We put him back in his crib so he could have it and he stayed there hanging out for about 45 minutes! I was pretty surprised. That hasn't happened since. Now when we tell him that he has to go to his crib, he's not too thrilled about it so he usually decides that he doesn't really need his pacifier. I'm hoping that this will make him less dependent and gradually wean him from his pacifier. We'll see, but 3 is definitely the cutoff! I do have to mention that when nap time is over I tell Andrew to give Nokey (his monkey- that's what he calls monkeys) his pacifier and that Nokey is going night night. He says "night night Nokey," gives the monkey his pacifier and puts his blanket over the's just the cutest thing!

9.12.2009 - 2 years old
Watching the Duck game
1 comment:
I can totally relate. Kyla at one was like a switch went off had to have hers ALL the time too. She wasn't like that all along.
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