A little bit later we decided to give him some watered down orange juice. He's never had orange juice before, just apple and can be kind of picky about trying new things. I am just getting over a terrible cold and Nate just got one so we thought the orange juice might be helpful to Andrew. He tried it and said, "I like it!" He kept drinking it and saying "I like it" over and over again. It was so cute!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Andrew's new phrases
Tonight Andrew said 2 new phrases that we've never heard him say before. We were sitting downstairs and I was coloring (hoping that he'd join me) while he played with his cars. When I was finished I showed him my picture of a pumpkin. He looked at it and said "oh my gosh!" I could not believe it! I turned to Nate and asked him if he'd heard that and he said yes. He then informed me that Andrew heard me say it earlier and had already said it earlier that night. I guess I'm gonna have to watch what I say.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Coming this Spring.....

That's right.....Andrew's going to be a big brother!!!! And he is so excited :) We've been asking him if he wants a brother or sister and he always says "seester," so we'll see. We will be happy either way. We are just praying for a healthy baby and if you read this, please also pray that we have a healthy baby and that I have a healthy pregnancy. We found out I was pregnant the day we left for Lake Mayfield (9.7.09) with my parents. It was so hard not to tell them, but we really wanted to wait and tell them the way that we originally planned on telling them....with the shirt that Andrew is wearing. When we got back from our trip, Nathan quickly had this shirt made and we had to wait a week and a half until we could tell our families. It was a very long week and a half! We went over to my parents for dinner the night before leaving for Sunriver (9.17.09). Andrew was wearing his shirt and we were all excited to tell them. My dad was on the phone when we walked in and we didn't want my mom find out before my dad, so we had to distract Andrew from running over to my mom for about 10 minutes. It was not an easy task. Luckily my mom was making dinner so she was distracted. Once my dad was off the phone it took them a little while to realize what Andrew's shirt said, but when they did, they were so excited!!! The next morning we left for Sunriver. I spent the whole day with my mother in law but had to keep the secret because Nate and my father in law were meeting us in Sunriver later that night. The next morning we put Andrew in his shirt and Grandpa Bud, Grandma Twyla and Aunt Tiffany were so excited when they saw what the shirt said. It was so nice to finally tell all of my family. I had told my sister via email the previous day and she was super excited too. I sent her a picture of Andrew in his shirt and then called her to make sure she got the email. Last Wednesday, the 14th, I had my first appointment. We had an ultrasound and the doctor said that the baby looks great and is expected May 19th or 20th. I'm hoping it comes a little sooner, but definitely not too soon.

9 weeks
Friday, October 16, 2009
Say Cheese
Lately Andrew has been very into the camera. Whenever he sees one of our cameras he picks it up, turns it on and says, "cheeeese!" It's hard to take pictures of him these days because he doesn't want you to take a picture of him, he wants to take a picture of you. Nate captured a picture of Andrew trying to take a picture of Daddy. It's not the best quality, but you get the idea. Maybe he'll be a photographer someday....

Andrew 10.10.09- 25 months
Andrew 10.10.09- 25 months
The Next American Idol
Andrew LOVES to sing. He bursts into song all the time. By far, his very favorite song is "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." He sings it all the time and does a pretty good job of remembering most of the words. The other day when we were getting ready for nap, I was rocking him and he said, "Mommy, sing," so of course I sang for him. He even had requests! He wanted me to sing, "You Are My Sunshine," and "Twinkle, Twinkle" was requested several times. Here's a video of him from earlier this week singing part of "Twinkle, Twinkle" into his microphone. For some reason when he uses his microphone he thinks he needs to yell, so you can't tell how cute his little singing voice is in this video....but it's still a really cute video :)
Andrew 10.12.09- 25 months
Andrew 10.12.09- 25 months
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Today we went to Lee Farms Pumpkin Patch with Grandpa & Grandma Ming. It was such a beautiful fall day and we all had such a fun time. Andrew has really taken a liking to pumpkins lately. He points them out all the time and was very excited when Mommy put up her fall decorations. He came down from his nap that day and pointed out every pumpkin to me! So I thought he would really enjoy the pumpkin patch this year. Funny thing is, he didn't even care about the pumpkins, he was to into checking out all of the tractors! He is totally obsessed with tractors. He wanted to sit on all of the tractors at the farm and kept pointing them all out to us. After we got past looking at the tractors he had fun going on the slide with Daddy, the tunnel slide by himself and the hay ride. He ran around all the pumpkins and looked at the animals, but wasn't too interested in them. Such a fun fall day!

Having fun with Grandma

Helping Grandpa with the pumpkins

Really wanting to drive the tractor

Loved going down the big slide with Daddy
10.10.09- 25 months old
Having fun with Grandma
Helping Grandpa with the pumpkins
Really wanting to drive the tractor
Loved going down the big slide with Daddy
10.10.09- 25 months old
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Today was an interesting nap day. Andrew decided that he didn't really want to nap. I put him down around 1pm, his normal time, but heard him playing around for about 30 minutes or so. Then it was quiet for a bit. But not for long, so I went up there, changed a dirty diaper and tried to put him back to sleep. I layed with him for awhile, but he wasn't really interested in sleeping. I left him in his bed with some books, went back downstairs and heard Andrew making a little noise in his room. Around 3:30ish it started to get quiet again so I thought that he was finally back to sleep. Around 4:30 I went to get him from his nap and found a BIG surprise. I called Nate up right away. Andrew had taken the large bottle of powder and dumped it all over his room! When I walked in the room he was in his bed just sitting there like, what mom, I didn't do anything. Then he says "power," which is his way of saying powder. Nate came upstairs and we both just had to laugh because it was so funny. He even put the bottle of powder back where it belongs, completely empty. I got the vacuum to start cleaning it up and as I was bringing it upstairs Andrew says, "mommy, need help?" haha! So he went downstairs, got his toy vacuum, brought it upstairs and started to help me clean up his big mess! He's just too cute :)

Powder all over his face!

Powder everywhere!

Powder all over his face!

Powder everywhere!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A toddler's prayer
Last night Nate picked up some soup from Panera and made grilled cheese sandwiches. I put Andrew in his highchair and sat down with him while Nate was finishing getting his food. While we were waiting for Daddy, Andrew said, "Jesus, Amen!" So funny! I'm so happy that he gets it....he realizes that we pray before we eat. Such a smart little boy!
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