Today was an interesting nap day. Andrew decided that he didn't really want to nap. I put him down around 1pm, his normal time, but heard him playing around for about 30 minutes or so. Then it was quiet for a bit. But not for long, so I went up there, changed a dirty diaper and tried to put him back to sleep. I layed with him for awhile, but he wasn't really interested in sleeping. I left him in his bed with some books, went back downstairs and heard Andrew making a little noise in his room. Around 3:30ish it started to get quiet again so I thought that he was finally back to sleep. Around 4:30 I went to get him from his nap and found a BIG surprise. I called Nate up right away. Andrew had taken the large bottle of powder and dumped it all over his room! When I walked in the room he was in his bed just sitting there like, what mom, I didn't do anything. Then he says "power," which is his way of saying powder. Nate came upstairs and we both just had to laugh because it was so funny. He even put the bottle of powder back where it belongs, completely empty. I got the vacuum to start cleaning it up and as I was bringing it upstairs Andrew says, "mommy, need help?" haha! So he went downstairs, got his toy vacuum, brought it upstairs and started to help me clean up his big mess! He's just too cute :)

Powder all over his face!

Powder everywhere!

Cleaning up his mess!

10.8.09- 25 months
P.S. Another funny thing he did today: We were outside playing after nap time, he heard a plane and got all excited. When the plane was gone he said, "bye plane, have a good day!" He is hilarious!
He is quite the helper! Good thing it was only powder:-)
Love the pantless vacuumer!! This has to be a wedding slide show picture someday, I am sure his future wife will be impressed at how he helps around the house. :)
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