That's right.....Andrew's going to be a big brother!!!! And he is so excited :) We've been asking him if he wants a brother or sister and he always says "seester," so we'll see. We will be happy either way. We are just praying for a healthy baby and if you read this, please also pray that we have a healthy baby and that I have a healthy pregnancy. We found out I was pregnant the day we left for Lake Mayfield (9.7.09) with my parents. It was so hard not to tell them, but we really wanted to wait and tell them the way that we originally planned on telling them....with the shirt that Andrew is wearing. When we got back from our trip, Nathan quickly had this shirt made and we had to wait a week and a half until we could tell our families. It was a very long week and a half! We went over to my parents for dinner the night before leaving for Sunriver (9.17.09). Andrew was wearing his shirt and we were all excited to tell them. My dad was on the phone when we walked in and we didn't want my mom find out before my dad, so we had to distract Andrew from running over to my mom for about 10 minutes. It was not an easy task. Luckily my mom was making dinner so she was distracted. Once my dad was off the phone it took them a little while to realize what Andrew's shirt said, but when they did, they were so excited!!! The next morning we left for Sunriver. I spent the whole day with my mother in law but had to keep the secret because Nate and my father in law were meeting us in Sunriver later that night. The next morning we put Andrew in his shirt and Grandpa Bud, Grandma Twyla and Aunt Tiffany were so excited when they saw what the shirt said. It was so nice to finally tell all of my family. I had told my sister via email the previous day and she was super excited too. I sent her a picture of Andrew in his shirt and then called her to make sure she got the email. Last Wednesday, the 14th, I had my first appointment. We had an ultrasound and the doctor said that the baby looks great and is expected May 19th or 20th. I'm hoping it comes a little sooner, but definitely not too soon.

9 weeks
This is complete BS. I'm the only uncle/aunt that had no direct information. I'll remember this..............
love the ultrasound pic!! keeping you and little bean:) in my prayers...luv u!!
Oh my goodness, I am so so so happy for you guys!!!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby brother or "seester" for Andrew. :)
congrats you guys!!! May is a great month - when AZ & I were born.
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