On Wednesday we had our big ultrasound. I was anxious all week wanting to find out the sex of the baby and also to find out if the baby was healthy. Nate and I went to the appointment while the Grandma's took Andrew to Gymboree Play & Music. We all met up for lunch after the appointment to share the exciting news (Grandma's and Grandpa Ming). The appointment went great. We even knew the technician so we were able to get tons of pictures. Of course they wait till the very end of the ultrasound to tell you what you are having. When she said girl, I was shocked! Of course I cried, just like I did when I found out about Andrew. I really had know idea if it was going to be a boy or girl. Either way I would have been happy, but I am thrilled to now have one of each. She was way less active than Andrew was during his ultrasound. The technician said that she is very photogenic and was posing for all of the pictures! She had her hands up by her face a lot which is something Andrew always did too. We met the family for lunch at Panera and when we told them they all cheered with excitement! Andrew still doesn't understand what is going on, but now instead of saying you are going to have a brother or sister, we can just say sister.....hopefully that will help him understand better. I'm sure as I continue to grow he will start to wonder what is going on! As we did when we found out about Andrew, my mom, mother in law and myself went shopping for baby girl after lunch. We had so much fun picking out cute little girl clothes! Most of all, we are so grateful that she is healthy!

Cute little foot
15 ounces
Due date: May 19/20th
I love it! I'm so excited for you guys!! AND.... I really hope she is born on May 21st! My birthday! What is her name?
Thanks AZ! I'm hoping she is born earlier than you birthday because Nate's is the 24th. We have two names picked out....Ava or Olivia....not sure yet.
Love the ultrasound pictures, so precious!!! Such a clear shot of her "girl" parts too....it's always nice when they get a really good view and don't just assume it is a girl because they don't see boy parts. :) She is going to be SUCH a cutie, so excited for your family!!
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