Last Thursday I had my 35 week doctor appointment. He says everything looks great. Her heartbeat is strong, her head is down, I'm already dilated to 1cm and my cervix looks favorable. There is a very good chance that I will be induced at week 39 or that she might come earlier. We'll see. If you are easily grossed out, you might not want to read this.....but my doctor swept my membranes at this appointment and I'm guessing he will continue to do this until she is born. This will help make my cervix more favorable for labor and in some cases can cause people to go into labor. I'm starting to have a lot of cramping/contractions because of it and I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable. My doctor says that the contractions/cramping is normal and nothing to be concerned about. I am really hoping that she waits a bit longer to arrive though. Both my parents and in-laws are going out of town this Ava needs to wait at least a week and a half to arrive. Plus, I still haven't finished her nursery! We hung a few things on the walls this weekend, but I am being very indecisive. I'm hoping to have her room completed by next weekend though!

1 comment:
absolutely ADORABLE!! looks like she dropped :) i am so excited to meet miss ava!!
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