Andrew at church. He LOVES going to church! I asked him what he did today and he said that teacher read him a story about Jesus. I asked him if he loved Jesus and he said yes! So cute! We also talked about the real reason for Easter on the way to church. Even though he's a little young to understand it all, I still want him to know that Easter is about Jesus' love for us, not just about a bunny.

Easter lunch at Chart House. He was such a trooper. We were there for 2 hours! It was a long time for a little guy to sit and he did great even though it was way past his nap time.

Andrew loved looking at all his new toys in his Easter basket. 2 new sticker books, bath toys, and new book with his picture in it and new cars....what more could a kid ask for!

His favorite part of the day was looking for eggs. We went on several egg hunts!
4.4.10-2.5 years old
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