Last Friday Andrew had his 3 year doctor check up. The doctor says that he looks great! His stats:
weight: 33lb
height: 39in
He had 2 shots & the flu mist. Shots didn't go so well. He screamed to the point he was silently screaming...you know what I mean? His mouth was open with terror on his face, but no noise was coming out. I felt so bad for the little guy. Luckily Nate was there with me to help hold his arms. They gave the shots to him in his legs since his arms are so tiny. He talked about his owies for several days.
So far the 3's is fun. Andrew says something everyday that cracks me up. The other day, while at the park, he looked at a tree and said, "mommy, I want to climb that tree." I told him that it wasn't a good tree to climb and he said, "maybe the squirrels can climb it." He definitely likes routine and will call you out on it if you mess up his routine. For instance, every night when he goes to bed, before we leave his room he says, "close the door quietly." If you close it loud, he cries and then you have to go back in his room. This happens at every nap and at bedtime. Nate takes him to school most mornings, but the 2 times that I had to take him to school, he cried most of the way because he wanted Daddy to take him. He loves to be sassy, bossy, play with his sister & make her laugh, play with cars, be tickled, play chase, read books, sing songs, go to school, play with his friends and go to church. He loves to pray and now prays before eating and at bedtime. He knows his friends names and talks about them often. He is potty trained during the day, but still wears a diaper at nap time and bedtime. He still has trouble going #2 in the potty, but likes to stand up for #1 :) He can ride his trike without assistance. He's a picky little eater but his favorite foods are: chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, mac & cheese, pb&j, quesadilla, spaghetti, goldfish crackers, animal crackers, veggie bootie, donuts, bagel & cream cheese, toast with peanut butter, yogurt, m&m's, apple juice & milk. He still doesn't like fruit or veggies. He is a very sweet little boy who loves to give kisses, cuddle, say I love you, and hug. I adore him!
love love love these pictures. she did an awesome job capturing his personality. how are you? miss you. will try to give you a call. it has been a busy week(s)...so many days without barth :(
oh my goodness...how did I miss these ones before. so cute.
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