Andrew had his first school field trip yesterday to the Sherwood Apple Orchards. He was so excited to go on the bus and pick apples. It was his first time on a school bus, something he's wanted to do since last year! I, along with all of the kids mom or dad, went on the field trip with him and we had a great time despite the rain.
I took Andrew to school that morning which he was not to thrilled about. Nate usually takes him to school and I think that Andrew really enjoys that time with just Daddy. They did a little show and tell and a few songs at school before we all headed onto the bus. All the kids were so excited. Andrew sat in the first row of the bus, both to the orchard and back. Here's a picture of his classmates, the parents and his teacher (in the red).
Andrew looked out of the window most of the time on the bus and talked about all of the things he saw outside.

When we got to the orchard all of the kids learned a little bit about what kinds of fruit they have their and about some of the different apples. The kids were really cute listening.

As soon as we got out to the orchard, Andrew went running. It was quite muddy that day and he got very dirty!

He was supposed to pick one apple for himself, one for me and one for his teacher. They are going to make applesauce with all of the kids apples next week. Andrew saw lots on the ground and started picking them up.

I told him that the ones on the ground were rotten and to pick them off the tree. He loved picking them.

Surprisingly he decided to take a bite of the apple. He normally won't even try fruit (or veggies) but I think since all of the other kids were eating them, he thought he would too.

He really didn't even get a good bite before he decided that he didn't like it and threw it on the ground.
We then moved on the the plum trees. Andrew wanted to pick some plums too. He bit into one of them, said "delicious" and then threw it to the ground! Funny little guy.

His favorite thing of the day, besides riding the school bus, was probably chasing this cat all around the orchards. All of the kids were pretty amused with it. That cat followed all of us all around and some of the kids, including Andrew, tried to go up to it and pet it or chase after it. One kid actually picked it up which was pretty funny.

Such a fun first field trip with my little guy. I'm already excited to go on the next field trip with him to the pumpkin patch in a month!
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