We have now entered the world of school! Andrew started school today and he did great!
Last week Andrew had is first non-official day of school. It was orientation day where half of Andrew's class along with the parents came to school for an hour to meet his teacher and some of his classmates. He had tons of fun and after it was over we took him for a little treat to Starbucks to get some "warm hot chocolate milk," that's what he's calling it these days! It was a fun morning just the 3 of us (we left Ava with Grandma). We are trying to make going to school a big deal so we've been doing these things without Ava so he feels like he gets more attention.

Hot chocolate with Daddy. We even made a toast to the new school year and said cheers. Andrew thought that was really cool!
Andrew's 1st day of school was today. It was an early morning for all of us and when Nate went to wake Andrew at 7:45 (we had to leave at 8) he looked at Nate & said, "what are you doing in here?" He's obviously not used to waking up that early! He ate breakfast in the car as we drove to school. When we got to school Nate stayed in the car with Ava while I stayed with Andrew. At his school they have a car drop off area where all the kids are dropped off and stand in line until it is time to walk to class. Since it was the first day of school I wanted to walk him to class, so we waited with the rest of his classmates (and lots of other moms) and then all of us walked to class. It was pretty cute watching all of the kids hold onto the rope and walk in a line to their class. As soon as Andrew got to class he saw all the toys and dropped his backpack on a table and started playing. I quickly told him that he had to put his backpack away before he could play. He did, ran back to playing, I said goodbye and he was totally fine with me leaving. On our way to school he kept asking me if I was going to go to school, so I'm sure that where he thought I was going when I left. I picked him up after school and he was so excited to see me and informed me that he was wearing his backpack. Something he didn't want to do when he got to school. It's amazing how teachers can get them to do things that parents can't! He told me all about school, his teacher, his friends, that he played with cars, played outside, had grapes for snack and threw them in the garbage, and sang songs. We picked Daddy up for lunch and had a celebration lunch at Panera. Can't believe that my little guy is old enough to be in school!

9.14.10-Andrew 3 years old
How cute!! Yay for preschool. :)
so proud of you drew...you are just getting too big. hope that you make tons of new friends. you are gonna have so much at school!!
A new adventure for Andrew...Daddy and Mommy, too!
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