On Tuesday night we said goodbye to the paci. We had been telling Andrew for awhile that when he turns 3 he is a big boy and has to give all of his paci's to the babies. I didn't want to take them away on his actual birthday and let him have them day after too, but that night (Tuesday) as we were going to bed we told him to get all of his paci's and put them in a baggie to give to the babies. He did it and was fine while he read a book and got ready for bed. As soon as we were telling him goodnight, he started asking for his paci. We reminded him that he gave them to the babies. He cried and then calmed down for a bit. As soon as we went downstairs he cried more. He cried for about a total of 45 minutes on and off. I went up there several times to console him. I felt so bad. He kept saying that he didn't want to give them to the babies and that he wanted to wake up. He eventually gave up and went to sleep and slept through the night. The next morning as we were getting in the car, he asked for his paci again (He was only allowed to have it in the car & in bed). I told him that he gave them to the babies and he was not thrilled and whined for a bit. Same thing happened at nap time yesterday and he took about 1.5 hours to actually take a nap, but then he did. Last night he mentioned it when going to sleep and whined for a bit. When we went in the car today he didn't bring it up and when I put him down for a nap, he didn't bring it up! So far so good!
This is the latest picture I could find of him with his pacifier. 6.19.2010

yea!!!! you are such a big boy drew!!
Oh man, I am not looking forward to this day of taking away Emersyn's binky. :( We are down to just using them in bed though, no more car.
Oh.....it's always kinda sad to lose the passy.
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