We started a new tradition a few years back, Bridgeport Village tree lighting. It's the day after Thanksgiving every year. It was pretty raining that morning and we weren't sure if we were going to make it, but I was determined to stay with tradition and luckily the weather held out and there was no rain. However, the night was a complete mess! Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. We met my parents for dinner at CPK. Our waitress was a complete space and brought Andrew the wrong meal, so by the time we were all finished eating, he got his food. Poor guy was starving. In the meantime Ava was screaming. It's her new thing now that she eats solids, she gets so excited and screams the whole time. So hard to go to a restaurant with a screaming baby. After I fed her she was unhappy and just wanted to be held. Nathan and I didn't sit down much of dinner and I was glad to have my parents there to help out with Andrew since Ava was being so difficult. After dinner we headed towards the tree. On our way there Andrew saw Santa riding around in a train and was so excited. He started waiving, it was adorable. He loved seeing the tree light up and seeing Santa Claus. After that we decided to go to Borders and get a hot chocolate. While the guys waited in line, we took the kids upstairs to the kid area. Ava was tired and very fussy (it didn't help that we forgot her stroller). While trying to calm down Ava, Andrew had an accident and wet his pants. Not just a little, but everywhere, all down his pants and into his shoe. It was a mess and we immediately had to leave. It was a crazy night and all Nate & I could do at the end of the night was laugh. The following night we went out on a much needed date :)