Halloween is definitely not my favorite holiday, but if you know me at all, I still have my traditions that I love - chili & cornbread and apple cider. We had both sets of grandparents over for the night, had chili for dinner with the addition of hot dogs since Nate doesn't really like chili but likes chili dogs. After dinner, Nate & I took the kids out trick or treating. We bought Andrew 2 costumes, a shark & a dinosaur. Nate was then given another costume from one of his clients, a Lightening McQueen outfit. Andrew didn't want to wear any of them. We told him that he couldn't go trick or treating and get candy unless he wore his costume. We only were able to get the pants on for the longest time. His neighbor friends came to the door with their costumes and then Andrew decided he was ready to wear his full costume & trick or treat. Nate and I took the kids around the neighborhood while the grandparents took care of the trick or treaters at our house. Andrew was a dinosaur & Ava was a ladybug. They were adorable. At first Andrew wanted me to go to the door with him, but awhile into it he started going to the door all by himself. He would say trick or treat, get his candy, say thank you and immediately ask me if he could go to the next house. "Mommy, can we go to the next house please?" It really was adorable. We came home and had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and apple cider. Andrew went through all of his candy and decided on some pretzels, nerds, and probably some others that I'm unaware of. He ate a lot of candy that night!

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