Now that Ava is 6 months we started giving her cereal. I started with oatmeal cereal since it has more fiber than rice. Hoping that we won't have the same problems we had with Andrew when he started solids. As of Friday, I switched her schedule and she had her 1st bite of oatmeal cereal. She made lots of funny faces and grunted through most of the eating, but she seemed to like it and didn't cry at all. She eats it twice a day (lunch & dinner) and by today she seems to have it down and really likes it. She now only nurses 4 times a day (8am, noon, 4:30, & 8:30ish) and takes 2 long naps (10-noon & 2ish-4:30) and 1 small nap in the evening. It makes it hard to get out of the house, but I am thankful for kids that like to sleep :)

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