Ava is now 7 months and I realize that I haven't done an update on her in a few months. She is getting so big, but still the tiniest little thing. She loves to laugh and is very ticklish. She thinks Andrew and Sophie are so funny. Her favorite toy is her exersaucer. She LOVES to eat solids. As soon as she sees you getting it ready she starts screaming for you to hurry up and feed her. She pretty much likes all food but avocados and green beans which I usually mix with fruit so she'll eat them. She reaches for everything in sight and usually puts it in her mouth. She now reaches for me if she wants me to hold her. She gives kisses, but not often and doesn't like to cuddle, especially when she's tired. She doesn't like to rock much either, she just wants to be put in bed with a blanket so she can sleep. She sleeps great through the night, but seems to prefer her stomach over her back. We put her to sleep on her back and within minutes she is rolling to her stomach. She's a light sleeper and wakes up as soon as she hears you walk in the room. She sleeps about 12 hours at night. She loves to kick like crazy, loves baths and still loves being held. She still has no teeth and has no interest in crawling or being mobile. She will roll from her back to her stomach or vice versa, but not as a mode of getting around, just to watch the tv, see who's talking or grab a toy. She is our little princess!
this is a PRECIOUS picture ming!!
SUCH a cute picture....glad you got PL!!
Sleeping without being rocked...sounds familiar...like mother like daughter! Such a cute picture of her. What a happy baby. Must be good parenting :)
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