This has been a very busy month for us! We started out December in sunny California and spent a few days in Palm Springs and also Disneyland. My in laws have a house in Palm Springs so we were able to stay there, just the 4 of us, for several nights. We had tons of family fun. It was our first vacation just the 4 of us and we loved the time away together. Andrew had tons of fun playing in the pool, playing golf with Daddy, and playing with all the new toys in Papa & Pama's "Calniforna" house (as Andrew calls it).
Ava did great on the flight down there. She only cried for a bit and then fell asleep for most of the trip. We weren't so lucky on the way home (she cried for half of the trip-it was awful). 
The kids loved spending time in the pool!
Reading by the pool. He spent a lot of time doing this. I think it was because he saw Mommy & Daddy doing it :)
We spent the mornings at Coffee Bean (my favorite!), days at the pool and the nights going downtown to dinner, the farmer's market, the Christmas parade, and driving around town.
The night before we left we went to the Christmas parade downtown Palm Springs. This is a huge event and it was packed! We were lucky to get a good spot so Andrew could see all of the fire trucks, police cars, and other cars decorated in Christmas lights drive in the parade. He was so cute and waived at all of them. It was definitely a highlight of the trip! We look forward to spending many more weeks in Palm Springs in the upcoming year!
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