Doing patty cake :)

It's hard to believe that in less than a month Ava will be a year old. She has really come alive in the last 2 months. Now that she's 11 months she crawls around like crazy and is into everything and pulls herself to a standing position all the time. I always find her standing in her crib and her pacifier is usually on the ground. She hasn't been taking naps very well lately because she'd rather play in her crib. She is getting into all of Andrew's toys and he is not too happy about that. She has tried eating the dog food and continues to try if I forget to put the dog dish away when she is up. If she knows it's out, she crawls straight to the dog food as soon as she can. She laughs a lot and we think she is going to be quite the little ham. She is a little flirt and really likes men. Daddy calls her ponki and Andrew calls her sweetheart, cutie or princess. She loves to clap, play patty cake, dance and listen to mommy sing to her. She still likes being with mommy, but is starting to go to other people more. She loves being outside and starts laughing and kicking as soon as we go outside. She is now only nursing 3 times a day, morning, after her afternoon nap and before bedtime (I'm starting to ween her). She is still taking 2 naps a day and sleeps great at night. Still no teeth and still spits up a lot. She LOVES to eat and if she had teeth I think she would eat the same foods we eat. For as much as she eats, she's still the tiniest little thing and fits into some 3-6 month clothes and some 6-12 is a little big...she's kind of in between sizes. She drinks from a sippy cup, but prefers me to hold it while she drinks :) She's our little princess!

It's hard to believe that in less than a month Ava will be a year old. She has really come alive in the last 2 months. Now that she's 11 months she crawls around like crazy and is into everything and pulls herself to a standing position all the time. I always find her standing in her crib and her pacifier is usually on the ground. She hasn't been taking naps very well lately because she'd rather play in her crib. She is getting into all of Andrew's toys and he is not too happy about that. She has tried eating the dog food and continues to try if I forget to put the dog dish away when she is up. If she knows it's out, she crawls straight to the dog food as soon as she can. She laughs a lot and we think she is going to be quite the little ham. She is a little flirt and really likes men. Daddy calls her ponki and Andrew calls her sweetheart, cutie or princess. She loves to clap, play patty cake, dance and listen to mommy sing to her. She still likes being with mommy, but is starting to go to other people more. She loves being outside and starts laughing and kicking as soon as we go outside. She is now only nursing 3 times a day, morning, after her afternoon nap and before bedtime (I'm starting to ween her). She is still taking 2 naps a day and sleeps great at night. Still no teeth and still spits up a lot. She LOVES to eat and if she had teeth I think she would eat the same foods we eat. For as much as she eats, she's still the tiniest little thing and fits into some 3-6 month clothes and some 6-12 is a little big...she's kind of in between sizes. She drinks from a sippy cup, but prefers me to hold it while she drinks :) She's our little princess!
1 comment:
she is precious ming. getting so big. love her :)
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