We were lucky enough to get to go to Palm Springs again last week. The weather was absolutely perfect, mid 80's, and we had a wonderful time. Andrew & Ava were thrilled to have both of their grandparents (Bailey's & Ming's) there at the same time. We left mid day Saturday and arrived that evening. Andrew immediately wanted to go swimming, so he & Nate jumped in the pool before dinner.
We spent our mornings and early afternoons in the pool everyday. Somedays the guys would go golfing in the mornings while we would run to coffee bean and then come back to swim. It was a relaxing week with a lot of swimming and sun bathing! Andrew loved eating poolside everyday and swimming with his grandparents. He learned so much and became quite the little swimmer. He loved to put his head in the water, do bubbles, jump in the pool, collect coins in the water, and swim from person to person. He didn't want you to let go of him when he was swimming, but he was pretty much swimming on his own with a little assistance. For not having many swimming lessons, he was doing great in the pool! From so much swimming and sun, he got really chapped skin on his face. Poor guy, he didn't even want us to put lotion on it. Now that we are home, it is getting lots better.
Ava enjoyed the pool too. She didn't get as much swimming time, but loved it when she did. She loved to splash, kick, and do motor boat!
We went to the pool store and let Andrew pick out a few toys. He picked out this huge turtle. Of course he didn't like it once we put it in the pool. This is the only time he actually got on it. He did name it skully though, funny boy!

Andrew and Daddy looking for his coins. It was a fun little game they played where they would put lots of coins on the steps and then go under water to get them. Andrew mainly made Nate go under water, but he put his head in a few times.

April 9-16, 2011
You guys are seriously ALWAYS on vaca!?!
Don't worry AZ, it's our last trip to Palm Spring for awhile :(
loving the pool pics :)
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