I knew I wanted to do a butterfly themed party for a long time and started working on all of my ideas for awhile. As soon as I found the plates and napkins I got some inspiration. The colors were hot pink, light pink & orange. I wanted to create the invites & party circles on my own but didn't know how to do it. So I asked my photographer and she ended up making them for me! The turned out absolutely adorable!

The party was at 4:30 so we served a light dinner of chicken salad sandwiches on croissants, fruit, artichoke dip and 3 different salads. For dessert we had cake, butterfly sugar cookies, chocolate covered strawberries and candy. I made most everything for the party and had lots of fun doing it. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I really do love working on crafts and loved making all of the butterfly banners and picture banner for the party.
We had Ava's birthday party on her birthday. Unfortunately the little girl was sick and cried on and off during her party. She wanted mommy and clung to me for most of the party. She was a trooper and we still had a great time with all of our family. Unfortunately none of our friends were able to make it, but we still had a house full of guests! Ava didn't care much for her cake which surprised most of us since she loves food. She didn't even try to eat it. I gave her a bit of frosting on my finger and she ate it, but didn't try to eat more. She did enjoy everyone singing happy birthday to her. Andrew pretty much opened all of her gifts for her. She got a lot of clothes which Andrew didn't care about, but when she got toys, he got really excited. I think he thinks they were for him. Ava was pretty tired so she didn't care much about the presents.
This picture really sums up the day. Poor thing just didn't feel good and didn't take a good afternoon nap which made for a cranky baby. She went to bed before the party was even over.

Since I didn't get a chance to wrap her gifts before her party, we decided to wait and give her her presents the next day. Once again, she didn't really care to open the gifts and Andrew did most of the unwrapping.

She got a few small toys from us, but her big gift was a kitchen! I've been eyeing this Pottery Barn kitchen for awhile and really wanted it for Ava. Luckily, we had a friend who was selling hers for practically brand new at an amazing price!

The kids are LOVING it and play with it all the time.

Since she didn't feel good on her birthday and didn't have anything to do with the cake, we thought we'd try again the day after her birthday. She loved it!

Happy 1st Birthday my sweet Ava. We ♥ you!