We've had lots of sickness in our house the past week and a half. It started with Andrew last week having a cold/fever/ear infection and then onto Ava. She has been the sickest I've ever seen her with a fever of 102.7 while on tylenol. She cried all night on Sunday night so I took her to the doctor on Monday. Her lungs & ears looked good, but her throat was really red. I suspected she had a soar throat because every time she coughed, she cried. They tested her for strep throat but it came back negative. There was nothing we could do but give her tylenol & motrin. She slept most of Monday and when she was awake she either cried or sat completely still on my lap. It was so unlike her. By the end of Monday night she was moving around a bit and smiling but still not feeling great. She is still sick and I'm hoping she'll be better for her 1 year/family pictures on Friday.

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