I really can't believe that my baby girl is 1. Where did the time go! It really was one of the fastest years of my life. She is such a blessing and I'm so thankful that God gave us such a sweet and sassy momma's girl. Her little personality is really starting to come through and we are noticing how independent she is. She loves to crawl all around the house and play by herself. She does love attention though and really enjoys putting on a show and making everyone laugh. She is quite the ham. Her little belly laugh is the best! She is still such a mamma's girl, but is starting to go to other people now. She thinks daddy is pretty funny and loves trying to get his attention. She really likes men. She adores her brother and always wants to play with whatever he is playing with. She really likes to eat, but prefers bread, puffs & blueberries over any other food. She is becoming kind of a picky eater. She still naps twice a day and nurses in the morning at night. She loves to get into the dog food and is constantly pulling herself up to a standing position. She loves music and always dances when it comes on. She can clap, wave, do so big & patty cake and give kisses. She is the perfect little girl and we love her so much!
1 comment:
happy birthday sweet ava!!!
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