Last Wednesday Ava turned 19 months. She is really starting to become a little toddler. She is now starting to say some words...finally! She will repeat some of the words we say, but only say them if we ask her to. The word that she says all on her own is uh-oh. It's funny, because that was Andrew's first word too. She still doesn't sit for more than a few seconds, but will occasionally watch a few minutes of t.v. especially if it's Jake and the Pirates or Sesame Street. She won't sit for long though! She still loves books, loves climbing and sitting in chairs. She loves to brush her teeth or find someone else's tooth brush and brush her teeth. She is a little dancer and dances as soon as the music comes on. She is still a picky eater unless it's carbs, fruit or sweets. She only gives mommy kisses on the lips, everyone else she just puts her head to their head. She still loves blankets & pacifiers and really loves babies. She is starting to play with toys a little more, but prefers to bother her brother by taking his toys. She likes to play chase with Andrew and wrestle with him. She is definitely a tough girl, but super girly too. She is still really social and loves having a lot of people around.

LOVE my sweet girl!
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