We spent the day after Christmas with my parents, sister, brother in law and Leyton. It was lots of relaxing and spending time together.

I really love this picture of my parents....right before opening a present.

My parents opening an ornament that Andrew made them. I found the idea on pinterest; it's his handprint made into snowman and it turned out super cute.

This is Andrew's "cheese" face...so funny. I can just hear him saying cheese when I look at this!

Playing with Andrew's new batwing from Papa & Pama....he LOVED it!

The kids relaxing a bit.

And relaxing a bit more while cuddling with baby Leyton.

LOVE this picture of Ava.

Lots of relaxing....Andrew was so tired after all of the festivities.

I love the way Andrew is watching Ava play with her new Little People ferris wheel.

My sweet niece Leyton...I love this picture of her.

Andrew is having fun with Papa.

This picture makes me laugh. This is what happens when I try to take a family picture and the kids are overtired.

They did much better with Papa and Pama.
I love that picture of Ava too! Its super cute.
Thanks AZ....it's with my new lens :)
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