Today was a beautiful 70+ degrees outside so we wanted to take advantage of the nice weather and do something fun as a family outside. So we ventured out the the Tulip Festival in Woodburn. Nate and I had been there several years ago but thought it would be fun to take Andrew and it would be a great opportunity to get some cute pictures with the flowers. Well, no such luck on the pictures, but we did have a fun time! As soon as we got the the tulips Andrew slipped and fell in the mud and was not happy about it. He immediately wanted me to clean his shoes and was very upset that he was all muddy. He wanted me to carry him and wouldn't leave my side....I think he was afraid that he'd fall again. So we decided to leave the tulips and head over to the family area where they had different games, slides, tunnels, and birds! We stayed in this area most of the time and Andrew had so much fun!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Night night, Sleep tight
3.26.10- 2.5 years old
This is how we found Andrew when we went upstairs to go to bed at 11:30 last night. Sound asleep at the top of the stairs with the light on. He had a rough time going to sleep last night and kept crying and coming out of his room. We tucked him back into bed several times, but I guess he decided that the upstairs hallway was just more comfortable than his bed!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Too Cute!
I just had to write about the funny things Andrew said today....he is just too cute! Tonight after dinner Andrew wanted to call Pama & Papa, so we let him call and he was excited to talk to them on the phone. My mom invited us over for brownies and asked Andrew if he wanted to come over for brownies and he said "no thank you." She then asked him again and he said, "no, I'm good." Too funny! (We stayed at home and played and I made cookies instead) Later tonight when we were putting him to bed, he wasn't quite ready to get in bed so I told him that I would rock him for a minute. Nate wanted to take the trash out of his room, so he prayed with him (something we do as a family before Andrew goes to bed every night) and he left the room. Andrew and I sat in his rocking chair and sang a few songs. On a side note, this is something I will miss as the rocking chair will soon be moved to Ava's room. Anyways, I told him it was time for bed. I tucked him in and he said "no mommy, play." I told him that we couldn't play right now but we would in the morning. He kept insisting that we "play" and I kept saying it was bed time until I finally realized what he was saying, "pray." He wanted me to pray for him even though Daddy had already prayed for sweet! I also have to add that he LOVED dinner tonight which isn't always the case and he even ate his asparagus. He kept asking for more of it! Hopefully this continues. Such a fun day with my little guy. I ♥ him.
32 weeks and counting.....
I am 32 weeks and starting to feel it. Up until now I've been doing pretty good, but this last week has been rough. I feel huge, my back constantly hurts, I'm exhausted, and I have no desire to cook or clean. Just the simple day to day tasks seem hard. Only 8 weeks to go if not less. The doctor said that there is a possibility of inducing early, which I would love. My official due date according to my doctor is May 20th, my ultrasound said May 19th, and I'm hoping for May 14th or 16th (yes, I like even numbers). So he is going to start checking me at 37 weeks and I just pray that all looks good and my cervix is favorable so we can have her a bit early.

Story Time
Today we went to the Library for story time. We don't do this often, but Andrew seems to enjoy it so we are trying to go more frequently now. They read 2 stories and sing lots of songs and dance around. He loves the interaction with all of the other kids. Today they read a story about a little boy named David who did naughty things all day. At the end of the book, David is standing with a sad expression on his face in time out. The teacher said that David was naughty and Andrew says to everyone "I naughty too!" Everyone kind of gave a little laugh. It was so funny!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
On Saturday night Andrew had a sleepover at Grandpa & Grandma Bailey's and Nate and I had a fun date day/night! It was such a fun weekend. We spent Saturday morning as a family playing outside and then when Andrew went down for a nap, Grandma came over and Nate and I headed off to a wedding. We left right after the wedding was over, ran to the mall to do some shopping for Andrew & Ava, then headed over to Bridgeport to walk around in the sun and do some more shopping :) We had a nice long dinner and then went and saw The Bounty Hunter. It was so nice to spend several hours just the 2 of us! After Andrew woke up from his nap Grandma took him back to her house and she had a little surprise for him.....they bought him a tractor! He LOVED it and rode it all around the neighborhood. I was told that he did a very good job steering the tractor :) He had a fun night with Grandpa & Grandma and the next morning we all met up at Mother's Bistro for good! Such a fun weekend!
Breakfast at Mother's Bistro. Andrew was so cute when he first saw me....he gave me a huge hug and told me that he missed me. All day he kept saying "mommy, I missed you so much!" Such a sweetie!

3.21.10 He LOVES his tractor!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
3.18.10-2.5 years old
Andrew told me today that he wanted to play his instruments so we went and got them out. He wanted to sing the Bumble Bee song. Of course he sang it several times but once I tried to get it on camera he decided that he didn't want to sing....he thought the camera was way more interesting and wanted to play with that instead. So here's a little clip of him singing. I love his little voice :)
Growing up too fast!
3.15.10-2.5 years old

This year is already flying by and I can't believe that my little guy is getting so big. He will soon be a big brother and no longer my baby. We are already looking at preschool for the fall because he asks me multiple times a week if he can go to school. We checked out Horizon preschool today and I can't believe how well he fit in with all the 3 and 4 year olds. He did a great job listening to the teacher and playing with the kids. He definitely is ready for school, I'm just not sure I'm ready for my baby to grow up :)

This year is already flying by and I can't believe that my little guy is getting so big. He will soon be a big brother and no longer my baby. We are already looking at preschool for the fall because he asks me multiple times a week if he can go to school. We checked out Horizon preschool today and I can't believe how well he fit in with all the 3 and 4 year olds. He did a great job listening to the teacher and playing with the kids. He definitely is ready for school, I'm just not sure I'm ready for my baby to grow up :)
Here are some other ways that he shows me he is now a big boy:
~He no longer calls his monkey "nokey" and now says monkey. This makes me sad because I thought nokey was just the cutest thing!
~He no longer calls milk "nok," he now calls it "mok" which is pretty funny!
~He's resisting bedtime and naptime. He tries to find any excuse not to go to bed (I have to go potty, one more book, I want to rock, I need more cars, etc) This is making bedtime a challenge but we are working through it.
~He understands where we are going in the car. All I have to do is drive on the road that has a Starbucks and he immediately asks for a donut! Oh no, what have I started! I obviously go to Starbucks way to much!
~He is starting to have an attachment to things. He wants to bring his monkeys (mommy & baby) with him wherever we go as well as his blankie. I make him leave them in the car, but's a lot to lug around.
~He now calls Sophie "Sopey" instead of what he used to call her "Soey."
I'm sure there are many other things that I could list, but my pregnancy brain isn't working too well! On a side note: the other day he said the funniest thing. As soon as he woke up and had breakfast he wanted to go play outside. It was 9am and still really cold outside. I told him that he could go outside in 2 hours. He said 2 minutes and I again told him that we had to wait 2 hours because it was cold. We went about our day and later that night when Daddy got home, Nate said "do you want to play outside." He then said, "in 2 hours." Too cute!
Life is a Dream- part 2
I finally was able to capture some pictures of Andrew sitting in front of the ipod listening to his favorite song from the Cars soundtrack. I just love his smile!

Not the best picture quality, but I just love that he is laughing in this picture. He thought it was so funny that I was taking a picture of him!

3.17.10-2.5 years old
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Life is a Dream
Yesterday Nate and my dad spent the day painting Ava's room (thank you Nate and dad). They had music playing in the background and Andrew was very curious about the i-pod. Nate asked him if we wanted to listen to Life is a Dream and of course he said yes. It's his favorite song from the Cars movie and he walks around singing it all the time. I think the actual song is called "Sh-boom." Anyways, Nate played the song for him and we then proceeded to listen to it probably 15 times yesterday. If we went anywhere in the car, he wanted to listen to it. He didn't want to get out of the car because he wanted to keep listening to it. When we got home, he wanted to listen to it. He actually got one of his little chairs and brought it next to the i-pod so he could sit as close as possible and listen to it. Of course he got up as soon as I got my camera to capture the moment. He now likes the song "Route 66" too and asks for Life is a Dream or 66 (as he calls it) anytime we are in the car!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Such a big boy!
Andrew can now say his whole name. It's just the cutest thing. I ask him "what's your whole name" and he says "Anoo Dabid Bayee." Occasionally he gets confused and says that his name is David Andrew Bailey. But now he always says his full name, not just Andrew. He's getting so big!
On another note, last night when we were putting him to bed I started to leave and told him goodnight. He was not happy and wanted me to stay, this is a new thing and happens now at every nap time and bed time. As I was walking out the door he says "no, Abba, Abba!" He wanted to say goodnight to Ava! So I went back to his bed and he kissed by belly and said "goodnight Abba." Such a sweetie. He is going to be such a good big brother!
Vacation tid-bits
I forgot to add some random things that happened on vacation in my last posts.
Andrew LOVED riding on the "city bus" to get our car rental. Yes, that's what he calls any van or bus that is not yellow. He thought he was such a big boy.
He was fascinated with palm trees and loved to point them out to us. The other day he said that he saw a palm tree (we were at home) and I told him that we don't have palm trees here. He asked where they are and I told him California :)
Andrew loves to say "Dinico is all mine" and then crash into people. This is something he picked up from the Cars movie. Not cool if you ask me! Of course he did this all the time to poor Chloe. He had many time outs and talks because of this....thank you Cars movie!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Del Mar Beach
We spent our last day at Del Mar beach. It was absolutely beautiful and we all had so much fun! We enjoyed lunch at a cute outdoor cafe and then headed down to the beach. The beach had tons of rocks and Andrew had so much fun throwing them into the water. I think he liked that even more than the sand. He didn't even mind getting wet or dirty, which is a big shock for him :) After the beach we said goodbye to the Riedels and headed to our hotel in the Gaslamp area downtown. It was a cute little area, but more geared towards people with out kids. The restaurants were a little more upscale so we finally found a kid friendly place, Hard Rock. After dinner we shopped around and stopped at Ghiradelli for a hot fudge yummy!
We spent our last day at Del Mar beach. It was absolutely beautiful and we all had so much fun! We enjoyed lunch at a cute outdoor cafe and then headed down to the beach. The beach had tons of rocks and Andrew had so much fun throwing them into the water. I think he liked that even more than the sand. He didn't even mind getting wet or dirty, which is a big shock for him :) After the beach we said goodbye to the Riedels and headed to our hotel in the Gaslamp area downtown. It was a cute little area, but more geared towards people with out kids. The restaurants were a little more upscale so we finally found a kid friendly place, Hard Rock. After dinner we shopped around and stopped at Ghiradelli for a hot fudge yummy!
We had such a fun trip. Thank you Riedels for spending the week with us!
It's a jungle out there!
The 3 of us ventured out to the Wild Animal Park for the day and had so much fun. It was the perfect day to go see the animals, not too hot, but not cold. We took the tram which was a 25 minute ride though the safari and saw so many amazing animals. Lions, giraffes, hippos, zebras and so many more! We watched the bird show and checked out the gorillas which Andrew called mommy nockeys (his word for monkey). I told him that they were gorillas but he insisted that they were mommy monkeys...too cute :)
A taste of Mexico
After Sea World Barth and Daphne took us to Old Town in San Diego. It's like stepping into Mexico. So cute and authentic. We ate at a little outside Mexican restaurant and even had a couple of guys come around and sing Twinkle Twinkle to the kids. They loved it and it was a perfect way to end the night!
Sea World
We had so much fun at Sea World but we were completely exhausted by the end of the night. I think Daphne and I fell asleep on the couch while the guys watched the Olympics! The kids loved seeing all of the animals and we had beautiful weather. It was even warm enough for Drew to wear shorts :) Unfortunately the Shamu show was closed as well as the dolphin show, but we still had fun watching the dog & cat show and the sea lions, otters, and walrus show.
Chloe and Andrew waiting to go to Sea World. Andrew was totally obsessed with Ella's Barbie car that is sitting next to him. Thank you Ella for letting him play with it! He always wanted to race the Barbie car and the bus, haha!

My best friend her!
2.26.10-28 weeks pregnant
Andrew 2 years old
Seaport Village
Since Nate had to work for a bit in the morning, Daphne, Ella, Chloe, Andrew and myself decided to go downtown to Seaport Village. It was such a beautiful day and we had fun walking around near the water. The highlight of the day was probably the fire truck. Andrew spotted it right away and couldn't wait to go and see it. The guys were so nice and let the kids take turns "driving" the fire truck. Nate met up with us a bit later and we had lunch. The kids enjoyed watching the birds while they ate :) Then back to the house for naps!
Our attempt at trying to get a family picture. You can tell that Andrew was not happy about it :)
Going on an Aiplane

Andrew loves to fly! We told him for several days that we were going to go on a plane and see Chloe and Ella. We also told him that we were going to see animals (Sea World). So he would tell us every day that he wanted to go on a plane and see animals or go on a plane to see Chloe/Ella (yes, he thought it was one world). This was the 1st time he had his own seat and he thought he was such a big boy. Of course we didn't have a window in our row (just our luck) but he did great and loved getting to wear ear phones while he watched his movie. He did such a great job on the plane, to and from San Diego. He fell asleep as soon as we got on the road to our hotel in La Jolla, he was so tired! We spent the afternoon/evening shopping around La Jolla's outdoor mall and driving around the waterfront. We got out for a few minutes to take a quick beach picture but it was a bit windy. We ordered room service that night because Nate was not feeling well. Unfortunately he had a cold the entire week, poor guy! Andrew loved getting room service :)
Vacation in San Diego
We spent a week in San Diego with our best friends the Riedels. We had great weather for all of 1 day where it poured down rain and spent our time eating lots of Golden Spoon, watching the Olympics, visiting Sea World, The Wild Animal Park, Del Mar beach and eating lots of food. Nate had a trade show down there so Andrew and I tagged along and we made it a vacation! Daphne's sister, Simone, was gracious enough to let us stay in her house for most of time which gave the adults a little bit of time to hang out kid free at night. The next several blog entries I will recap our trip.
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