I am 32 weeks and starting to feel it. Up until now I've been doing pretty good, but this last week has been rough. I feel huge, my back constantly hurts, I'm exhausted, and I have no desire to cook or clean. Just the simple day to day tasks seem hard. Only 8 weeks to go if not less. The doctor said that there is a possibility of inducing early, which I would love. My official due date according to my doctor is May 20th, my ultrasound said May 19th, and I'm hoping for May 14th or 16th (yes, I like even numbers). So he is going to start checking me at 37 weeks and I just pray that all looks good and my cervix is favorable so we can have her a bit early.

I'm hoping for May 21st. Sorry...that's my birthday!
AZ-I can almost guarantee that it won't be the 21st. I plan on inducing no later than the 20th. I can't have another 8.6lb baby!
u r adorable :)
Hang in there friend!! I remember how tired I was at that point....can't imagine chasing a toddler on top of everything! :) May will come quickly!
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