On Saturday night Andrew had a sleepover at Grandpa & Grandma Bailey's and Nate and I had a fun date day/night! It was such a fun weekend. We spent Saturday morning as a family playing outside and then when Andrew went down for a nap, Grandma came over and Nate and I headed off to a wedding. We left right after the wedding was over, ran to the mall to do some shopping for Andrew & Ava, then headed over to Bridgeport to walk around in the sun and do some more shopping :) We had a nice long dinner and then went and saw The Bounty Hunter. It was so nice to spend several hours just the 2 of us! After Andrew woke up from his nap Grandma took him back to her house and she had a little surprise for him.....they bought him a tractor! He LOVED it and rode it all around the neighborhood. I was told that he did a very good job steering the tractor :) He had a fun night with Grandpa & Grandma and the next morning we all met up at Mother's Bistro for brunch.....so good! Such a fun weekend!
Breakfast at Mother's Bistro. Andrew was so cute when he first saw me....he gave me a huge hug and told me that he missed me. All day he kept saying "mommy, I missed you so much!" Such a sweetie!

3.21.10 He LOVES his tractor!
That tractor is pretty sweet. I'm glad Andrew has a little bit of redneck in him.
ADORABLE tractor....love the pics ming, such a gorgeous family!! i miss u!!
He's going to want his own wheels early!!
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